LBA Association Rules
1. The Association shall be called the Leicestershire Badminton Association (LBA) and shall be affiliated to Badminton England (BE).
2. The objects of the Association are to promote the interest of Badminton in Leicestershire, to hold a County Championship Tournament, to arrange matches with other County associations etc.
3. Membership of the LBA shall be confined to Clubs having their Hall in Leicestershire. The Leicestershire Badminton Coaches Association will also be affiliated to the LBA.
4. An Annual subscription, payable by each club, shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting of the LBA.
5. Annual subscriptions shall be due for payment on 1st October. Any Club whose subscription is unpaid on 1st November shall be liable to pay a penalty, as determined at the Annual General Meeting of the LBA.
6. Any affiliated Club wishing to retire must give notice to the Secretary before November 1st in any year, otherwise it will be liable to the subscription for that year. It shall be the duty of each Honorary Secretary of an affiliated Club, on taking up such an office, to report the name and address to the Secretary of the Association immediately.
7a. The affairs of the LBA shall be managed by a Committee, made up as shown in Appendix 1, sic to form a quorum, all of whom shall be members of affiliated Clubs, and in addition the Coaching Secretary shall be a member of the Leicestershire Badminton Coaches Association and shall be elected annually a the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held not later than the 30th June each year. Representatives of one third of the affiliated Clubs to form a quorum. (In the event of a quorum not being obtained, the Committee is empowered to call a further meeting within one month when a quorum shall be dispensed with.) The Committee shall have the full power to co-opt and fill the vacancies until the next AGM.
7b. The Committee is authorised to pay an annual honorarium to all officers in accordance with a scale approved at the AGM.
7c. Nominations only proposed and seconded by two members of any affiliated Clubs, or by the Committee, shall be sent in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the AGM.
7d. Any affiliated Club wishing to make formal proposals for consideration at the AGM must submit the same in writing to the Honorary Secretary prior to 1st May.
8. The purpose of the AGM is:
8a. To receive Reports of the Officers of the Association on the previous year’s activities;
8b. To approve and adopt the Financial Accounts for the previous year;
8c. To fix the Annual Subscription and Penalty for Late Payment for the ensuing year;
8d. To fix the scale of Annual Honoraria to be made available to all Officers of the Committee;
8e. To approve and adopt the League Rules of the Association’s competitions for the ensuing year as presented by the League Secretary;
8f. To elect the Officers of the Association, as specified in Appendix 1, for the ensuing year;
8g. To elect an Honorary Auditor for the ensuing year;
8h. To deal with any other competent business.
9. Special General Meetings may be called by the Committee, or on the written request of at least four representatives of any four affiliated Clubs, Representatives of one third of affiliated Clubs to form a quorum. Seven days notice shall be given for such meetings, which shall be called within twenty-eight days of the receipt of such requisitions, and the meetings shall be strictly limited to the purpose stated in the notice.
10. Each affiliated Club shall be entitled to send one representative to vote at a General Meeting, in addition to the members of the Committee, excluding Past Presidents and Life vice-presidents who will have one vote each. Any other member may attend the AGM but is not entitled to vote, A fine of £25 shall be imposed on any affiliated Club not represented at the AGM.
11. All application forms from affiliated Clubs for permission to hold Tournaments shall be sent to the LBA, at least two clear calendar months before the event, for approval and counter-signing if approved.
12a.The property of the Association (other than cash, which shall be under the control of the Treasurer) shall be vested in four Trustees appointed by the Committee upon trust to be sold, mortgaged or otherwise dealt with as the Committee may direct by resolution (Of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be conclusive evidence).
12b. The Committee may, from time to time, by resolution remove any Trustee form office and make any appointment necessary to fill any vacancy created by such removal or by the death or resignation of a Trustee. For the purpose of giving effect to such an appointment the President of the Association is hereby nominated as the person to appoint new Trustees of the Association within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustees Act 1925 and he shall by deed duly appoint the person or persons so nominated by the Committee as the new Trustee or Trustees of the Association and the provisions of the Trustees Act 1925 shall apply to any such deed of appointment. Any statement or fact in any such deed of appointment shall, in favour of a person dealing bona fide and for value with the Trustees of the Committee, be conclusive evidence of the facts so stated.
12c. The Trustees and the respective estates and effects shall be indemnified out of the property and assets of the Association against all costs, claims and demands arising out of or by reason of their holding office of Trustee.
13. The elected Committee shall be empowered to deal with matters not covered by the rules.
14. The rules can only be altered at the AGM
14. Dissolution. A resolution to dissolve the Association can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of membership. In the event of dissolution, any assets of the Association that remain after any debts are paid off will become the property of Badminton England or some other local badminton organisation with similar objectives to those of the Association.